Indian parliament
In our country the legislature at the center is the called sansad (Parliament), it has two houses.
1. Lok Sabha (House of the people) - It is also called the lower house.
2. Raja Sabha (Council of states) - It is also called the Upper House. Although
There are two houses of parliament, President of India is their integral part. Thus the parliament comprises of the house of the people, the council of states and the president.
House of the People (Lok Sabha)- It is the lower house, maximum number of members of this house is 545. Its members are elected He/She.
By direct election by the voters of the respective constituency. If the house if not dissolved premature, its tenure is for 5 years . In the house of people 29 elected members are there from Madhya Pradesh. Any citizen of India who has competed 18 years of age can vote for the election to the House of people. Although the tenure of House of people is for 5years, the president may, on the advice of the prime minister, dissolve the House before 5years. The officers of House of People are Speaker and Deputy Speaker. The Lok Sabha elects the speaker and Deputy speaker from amongst its members. Following are the functions of the speaker of House of People-
⦁ To preside over the sittings of the House
⦁ To conduct business of the house
⦁ To ensure peace and order in the house
⦁ To decide whether any bill is a money bill are not.
⦁ To constitute committees of House of people
⦁ Protect the rights of members
⦁ To allocate time for discussion on a subject in the House
In the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy speaker conducts the business of the house .
The Council of States(Rajya Sabha)
The Second house of parliament is know as council of states (Rajya Sabha). It is also called the upper House of parliament it is a permanent House . It cannot be dissolved.
Membership -
1. Maximum number of the members of Council of States is 250.
2. Out of these 238 members are elected by the legislative assemblies of the state.
3. Remaining 12 members are nominated by the president of India is consultation with the cabinet of ministers. These members are form amongst famous personalities in the field of literature, art, culture, social service or public life.
4. There are 11 member from Madhya Pradesh in the Council of states.
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